Course Duration : 20 Hours

Introduction to Workday Payroll

Setup the Payroll Processing Framework –   

  • Period Schedule structure
  • Run categories
  • Defining payment election rules
  • Pay Groups

Defining Earnings and Deductions

  • Earnings
  • Deductions
  • Info required to define Earnings and Deductions
  • Explore Bonus Earning
  • Paycomp Groups
  • Criteria
  • Calculation details
  • Compensation Elements
  • Time earnings
  • Benefit plans
  • Paycomp security group
  • Costing
  • Limits
  • ROE(Canada)

Federal,State and Local Tax Reporting – 

  • Overview of Tax setup
  • Setup payroll taxes
  • Set up Company
  • Setup Company,Federal,State and Local Tax setup
  • Define Tax authority exception
  • Setup worker Tax elections
  • Multiple work tax jurisdictions

Set up Witholding Orders –

  • Overview of Withholding orders
  • Identify disposable income for a witholding order
  • Create deduction recipient
  • Record the details of the Withholding Order
  • Editing support order
  • Amend or Terminate  a support order
  • Processing priority of a witholding order
  • View Withholding Orders for a Worker

Set up Payroll Accounting 

Overview of Payroll Accounting

Run Payroll Accounting and Review Accounting Results

Set up  Banking and Settlement

  • Over view of Banking and Settlement Configuration
  • Preriquisites to Banking and Settlement Configuration
  • Define payment election rules
  • Configure payroll payslip
  • Configure check print layout
  • Define bank accounts
  • Define Routing Rules
  • Pre note runs
  • Configure Settlement

Configure Roles and Security  

  • Overview of Roles and Security Groups
  • Pay component Based Security

Define Business Process

  • Overview of Business Processes
  • Payroll Specific Business Processe

Payroll Input and Processing

  • Overview of payroll input process
  • Enter an override
  • Make a special Entry
  • Loan configuration and Re payment

Payroll process On cycle and Off cycle

  • Run and Complete a Payroll
  • Process an off cycle Manual Payment
  • Process an off cycle Reversal
  • Process an off cyle on Demand Payment

Testing Approach – 2hour

Workday Training Benefits

*Hands On Training Materials  

* Workday Training with Real Time Projects 

* Resume Preparation 

* Interview Preparation 

* Mock Interviews to Identify Confidence Level In Workday  

* Reference through Strong Industry Network

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